November 24th Meeting: Dispelling Pronunciation Myths: Best Practices for Teachers

JALT2019 was a huge success, where some familiar faces from Toyohashi contributed to it as presenters, participants, and conference staff members.
However, don’t let it just be a legacy yet – we will be continuing this illustrious energy from the international conference on November 24th where we have the privilege to invite one of the speakers from the conference, Donna M. Brinton, to our very own JALT Toyohashi.

Donna is currently a Visiting Professor at Soka University. She used to be a faculty member at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), one of the leading hubs for (applied) linguistics in the world. The main topic of her presentation will be teaching pronunciation, one of the overlooked aspects in English language teaching in Japan. We hope to many of you there.

Dispelling Pronunciation Myths: Best Practices for Teachers
Isn’t it impossible to impact students’ fossilized pronunciation? Wouldn’t students make more progress if they just practiced more? Don’t you need to be a native speaker to teach pronunciation? Isn’t the best way to teach pronunciation by having students listen and repeat? In this talk, Donna Brinton presents an overview of recent research in practical phonetics that helps to dispel some of the above popularly-held misconceptions. She also summarizes best practice for pronunciation teachers.

JALT Toyohashi November meeting;
Date: Sunday, 24th November
Time: 1:30pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Aichi University Toyohashi Campus (Building 5, Room 541)

Fee for one-day members: 1000 yen
For more information on these and other upcoming events, please see the
new JALT Toyohashi website:
Or contact Hiroshi Komura at 0532-46-4337 (tel & fax)


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