Toyohashi February 16th Meeting

Greetings everyone. At the next meeting the presenter will be talking about assessment of L2 speaking in large classes. Testing and assessment is not an easy area to come up which works for all the students, and helped with assessing students’ progress. As well as validity and reliability, practicality – whether or not the test can be conducted within the allocated time – is also one of the key constructs in testing. At the presentation, Ben will be introducing his ideas about how students’ speaking can be assessed practically, including peer-assessment, retelling and an active learning lens. Please find the details below.

Sunday, 16th February 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Aichi University Toyohashi Campus (Building 5, Room 541)
Speaker: Ben Gibbon
Title: Large Class Spoken Assessment: Retell, Recite, Review
Large Class Spoken Assessment: Retell, Recite, Review.
Testing L2 speaking in large classes is applicable at all levels of foreign language learning at schools and universities in Japan. The presented model aims to meaningfully test students’ L2 speaking-skills in less than 60 mins. Listening, reading and writing assessments are efficient and practical. However, oral testing remains our field’s shortfall. This method equips assessors with manageable models to measure a student’s production
through peer-assessment, retelling and an active learning lens.

As always, please contact us if you have any questions about the event. You can reach us through Facebook or by contacting Hiroshi Komura at 0532-46-4337.

Thank you


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