April Update and other news

Due to the current Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus) situation, some March events at JALT chapters have been either cancelled or postponed, and similarly with larger scale JALT events such as the annual PanSIG 2020 originally scheduled for May in Niigata. As our chapter is neither famous for massive attendances or overcrowding, we plan to go ahead with our scheduled event ‘King of Hearts’ on 19th April with speaker, Bill Jones, who has agreed with going ahead. Please come and enjoy a very entertaining experience from a charismatic individual.

As events develop, we may have to change the location or delay it and we will contact you about any changes.
We will be as careful as possible by avoiding exchange of playing cards, providing cleaning items, keeping the room well ventilated, and as usual will use disposable cups or plates. As we are not crowded, we can sit at some distance to practice ’social distancing’. We understand if you would not join and that participation is ‘at your own risk’. However, we hope that meeting others will provide a means of support and community at this challenging time, particularly for those of us who have friends and family overseas.

We wish everybody the best.

Anthony Robins (Chapter President), Takayuki Nagamine (Vice President)



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