About Us

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the improvement of language teaching and learning. JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate. We are the Toyohashi Chapter of this organization. We usually have meetings once a month in the afternoon on the 3rd Sunday of the month. It begins in the afternoon with a small break in the middle to talk about the topic of the meeting with other people or other topics of interest.

Traditionally, meetings have taken place at the Toyohashi campus of Aichi University (see directions below*)

*Directions to our meetings (currently at Room 1 in the Kenkyuukan)
The easiest way is by local train (Toyotetsu) from the terminus at Shin Toyohashi three stops to Aichi Daigaku-mae station. The train from (Shin) Toyohashi Station is bound for (Mikawa) Tahara:
Then, after you get off at Aichi Daigaku-Mae Station:
Go through the main gate
Turn right
Keep going, with the library on your left
and the historic building on your right
You will soon see the Kenkyuukan ahead of you and slightly to the left

Find out about our past activities from our former homepage:

Committee members for the Toyohashi Chapter of JALT are:
Chapter President – Thomas Eldred
Chapter Vice-President – Ashley Bartholomy
Membership Chair – Thomas Eldred
Program Chair – Takao Imai
Publicity Chair – Scott Combs
Treasurer – Eric Hankin
Website Coordinator – Scott Combs
Facilities Chair – Ashley Bartholomy