Tag: JALT Gifu

  • Registration for the events on October 16th and 17th

    Greetings, ?≧◉ᴥ◉≦ Please find below further information on how to register for the events that will be this weekend. Saturday 16th (1:00-3:45): International Intelligibility in the Context of Japan: Theoretical Insights and Instructional Implementation. To register (by 14th October): send a mail with name and affiliation to: irhsa@ml.aichi-u.ac.jp ✍(◔◡◔) Sunday 17th (1:00-5:00): October Grand Forum…

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  • Announcement of Grand Forum in October

    Greetings, ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Hello everyone. Please find the attachment for the upcoming October Grand Forum. In the announcement, you will see speakers we have planned for it. The first speaker is by Dr. Robert Murphy. The second is between Catriona Chalmers and Ann Mayeda. Additionally we are also calling for speakers. The presentation you wish to…

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