Tag: Keita Kodama

  • Information about May 8th and May 29th meeting

    Greetings,?≧◉ᴥ◉≦ Thank you to all for coming to the last meeting. I have attached a picture from it. Thank you Keita Kodama for the nice presentation. I have come to present the information regarding the meeting on May 8th from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. This presenter of the meeting will be our very own Takayuki ‘Taka’…

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  • Regarding the April 2022 meeting…

    Greetings everyone. ?≧◉ᴥ◉≦ I hope everyone had a good break and got things ready to begin a new year from this April. As the title suggests, I am here to deliver the information for the upcoming April meeting. Additionally, after this meeting, the next two meetings will be face to face on Sunday May 8th…

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