Tag: Toyohashi JALT

  • December 10th Meeting Update

    I hope everyone is having a great year so far and is ready to start 2024. I am writing to give remind everyone about the following meeting that will take place on December 10th. We look forward to seeing everyone who can attend the meeting. ?≧◉ᴥ◉≦ Date: December 10th from 1:30pm at Room 1 in…

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  • July 2nd Meeting Update

    Greetings Everyone, I am here today to write about the upcoming JALT Toyohashi meeting from 1:30 to 4:00 on Sunday 2nd July.. Location: Room 1, Kenkyuukan, Aichi University (Toyohashi campus) which can be reached by train from Shin-Toyohashi Station to Aichidaigakumae (Atsumi Line) Theme: Bringing you Global Educational Contrasts Presenters: Benjamin Msutu, Inayah Adi Oktaviana,…

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  • December 18th Meeting Update

    Greetings, ?≧◉ᴥ◉≦ I hope everyone is doing well. It was great to see everyone at the Grand Forum. I am here to update everyone on the presentation for our next meeting which will on December 18th with Jackson Lee. (◠‿◠). After the meeting, the possibility of transitioning to our bonenkai after the meeting is possible…

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  • October 3rd Meeting Information

    Hello everyone ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Sunday, October 3rd: 1:30 – 4:00 ‘Plat’ (physical location located next to Toyohashi Station) Title: Maximizing English in the EFL classroom: encouraging the negotiation of meaning Presenter: James Venema (AUE) and Bao Yuxi (Master’s student from China at AUE) Please find attached a flyer for the upcoming October 3rd meeting in Toyohashi.…

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